Both Regions 3663 and 3664 have produced X1 level flares as of the close of 08 May (UTC). The latest, pictured here, comes from Region 3664. Three of these events, all from Region 3664, have produced halo CMEs which are currently forecast to arrive on 10-11 May (UTC). However, the latter of these events is still undergoing analysis and modeling as of the time of this writing. In conjunction with these is an unrelated filament eruption that took place on the 8th as well that modeling suggests may give a glancing blow to Earth by late on the 11th. Stay tuned to the https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/forecast-discussion and https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/3-day-forecast for the latest details and geomagnetic storm forecast regarding these events.